The effect of Rhino hardwood pallets for concrete paver machine on environment

In todays world, new generation is much more aware of environment than their parents. Our natural resources are limited, and we all should try and use the ones that are renewable and leave minimum footprints in terms of pollution. Rhino Composite Pallets for block making machines always tries to shoulder its share of responsibility in utilising environmentally friendly methods and materials when manufacturing our wooden pallets for paver machine.

Since hardwood is the main ingredient of Rhino Composite Pallets, we source our hardwood from renewable plantation that will ensure an endless supply of timber to mankind without cutting down established rainforests that also have huge devastating implication on ecosystem. Since a large supply of hardwood is from rainforests, we do our bit to source it from plantations that are renewable. It ensures that rainforests stay as they are always are….green and perpetual.

Since superheated steam is used to ensure bonding of concrete paver machine pallets at extremely high temperature, enormous amounts of steam is generated to achieve the high technical standards. A large extent of Energy produced in the factory uses bagasse based fuel that is manufactured from a mix of sugarcane crusher leftovers that are high in calorific value, only augmented by fossil fuels as and when necessary.

Factory goes one step further to do its bit for the environment. It frequently arranges afforestation drives to educate local communities about importance of environment. Children and adults are encouraged to plant samplings to increase the tree populations in their neighbourhoods. Such consistent drives encourage communities to take up afforestation far and wide. Wildlife is improving, and vast areas of wilderness are getting a green cover.